"What about the Senses?" - School of Experience
coming in 2022
Following our highly successful “School of Experience” in 2021, the Ben J. Riepe Company is conceiving “What about the Senses?” – School of Experience, funded by NPN “Stepping Out”, the Ben J. Riepe Company conceives in 2022 for the second time a mediation format for students of different faculties, which shall be dedicated to virulent questions about the reality and relevance of our physical live experiences in a turning point between two crises of humanity, which are accompanied by a development from analog to increasingly digital encounters. The space for reflection on physicality in contemporary (performance) art will be expanded through one’s own sensory experience, and not only vision will be trained, but also a comprehensive experience that foregrounds both a cognitive and a physical-sensory understanding. The digital and analog sessions and workshops, which in the second edition of the SdE will deal, among other things, with the “Ganzfeld effect”, will take place on three weekends between April and July and will be organized by Ben J. Riepe and team as well as specially invited guests and experts from the fields of dance/choreography, visual arts, philosophy, yoga, microbiology, meditation and music/composition. Each day of the event follows its own choreography in terms of sequence and timing, in which the various formats and offerings build on each other, interweave with each other and mutually enrich each other.
Public program of Module #3
17 + 18 jun 2022, Erkrather Straße 365, Düsseldorf
Friday, 17 jun 2022
6 pm Opening
6.30 pm Erich Kasten: Input Dream, Nightmare, Sleepwalking
7 pm Mala Kline: Input Poetics of the Imaginary
8.30 pm Echo Ho: Sonic Ambient Concert
Samstag, 18 jun 2022
5.30 pm “What about the Senses?“ – Spaces of Experience with Carolina Rüegg: Breath and Voice, Till Bödeker: Think Outside The Box, studio s:o:m Permeable Sonosphere, Ben J. Riepe Team: Stationen der Sinne
7 pm Ben J. Riepe: Performance The Patient
8 pm Ben J. Riepe, Isabelle Pabst, Li Ning: Choreographiertes “Abendbrot”
Admission is free!
“What about the Senses?“ – Schule des Erlebens is a project by Ben J. Riepe and Team.
Supported by the NATIONAL PERFORMANCE NETWORK – STEPPING OUT, funded by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and Media within the framework of the initiative NEUSTART KULTUR. Assistance Program for Dance, as well as the Ministry for Culture and Science of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia, the Kunststiftung NRW and the Cultural Department of the City of Düsseldorf.
Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf
Prof. Dr. Timo Skrandies
Institute for Art History
Jun.-Prof. Dr. Maren Butte
Institute for Media and Cultural Studies
Prof. Dr. Markus Schrenk
Institute for Philosophy
Folkwang University of the Arts
Prof. Dr. Stephan Brinkmann
Institute for Contemporary Dance